My Philosophy
In my many years dedicated to pursuing, practicing and studying the art of sensuality, in alignment with spirituality, I have come to learn a great many things about living a human life and inhabiting a human body. Along with the many possibilities for pleasure and spiritual awakening, there are a great many challenges and sorrows inherent in our human condition. Though our bodies are wired for sensual and spiritual connection, the systems we have grown up in – the patriarchy, dogmatic religions, and capitalism – have shamed, perverted and distorted our very natural and healthy sensual desires, and our inherent need for spiritual connection. This corruption has greatly distorted our experience and has kept us living a very fear-based existence as opposed to one filled with sensuality, love, empowerment, and healthy, nourishing connections.
We have inherited and embodied a great many unhealthy belief systems that keep us from living a full, rich, fulfilling life. Instead of being strong in our sense of self and feeling good about our natural desires and unique personalities, we experience much shame and confusion. We live in great fear about not getting or having enough, afraid to show and be who we truly are, completely devoid of any spiritual connection or understanding of ourselves and our place in this Universe – with extremely limited support to even embark on that journey towards our authentic selves. We try desperately to be who we are told to be, maintaining relationships we are supposed to want, performing in jobs and careers that are supposed to be satisfying, shut off from our spirituality because what has been offered to us and forced upon us are dogmatic belief systems that condemn us for our very existence. Yikes. It is no wonder we feel cut off, alone, empty, fearful, lost, and wondering what went wrong and what is wrong with us.
Our sensuality and sexual expression is one area of our lives that has been hit especially hard – and this is no accident. As human beings, our sexuality is a huge part of who we are and it is an extremely powerful energy. With this energy shamed and distorted, we are much easier to control, as we are kept out of our power when we are living in fear of our selves. Religion has systematically worked to destroy our powerful sense of selves as a means of controlling the masses. And capitalism utilizes our sexual desire to keep us in control as well – always longing for that next best thing that will get us that satisfaction, that relationship, that thing that will fill the void – and creating huge discrepancies between the haves and the have-nots, so we are left feeling always in a place of fear, lack and scarcity, with a belief that we have to fight each other and struggle to get anything and then defend it at all costs. The patriarchy has also worked systematically to cut us off from loving each other, creating extremely unhealthy power dynamics, horribly limiting belief systems, and disempowering every single one of us.
I feel extremely passionate about breaking through these limiting belief systems and restoring us to our power and to our strong sense of self, strong in our sexual expression, our creativity, our vitality, and our union with Spirit, which in turn supports healthy, nourishing, empowering relationships with each other. As these unhealthy beliefs and energies are so embodied in us, even in our DNA, the most effective way I have found to work with this, through all of my education, spiritual pursuits, and life experience, is through healing the energetic body where we store all of this unhealthy energy. This gets beyond the story of it all and beyond talk therapy (which can also be supportive at times for sure!) – straight to the heart of the matter. If you know anything about quantum physics, then you will understand what I am referring to and why this works. We are made of energy – body, mind, and spirit are all energy, so working at an energetic level just makes sense!
So, in addition to a number of sensual encounters, I offer my very powerful Empowered Masculine energy/sound healing sessions that deeply support our healing process. Learn more HERE!
And, in case you hadn't already figured it out, I adore words and writing and could easily go on for quite a while about all of this that I am so passionate about! Instead, I will end by saying that if any of this resonates with you and you would like to change the experience you are having of your life at an extremely visceral, deep, powerful level, reach out and let us start that process for you. I would love to be your spiritual-sensual companion, life guide and healer!
I am so passionate about supporting all of us to be in our power, in healthy relationships with ourselves and with others, strong in our sexual expression (whatever that might be as it is different for all of us!) and creativity, confident in who we are and passionate about living a rich, fulfilling, inspiring life, recognizing the truth of our connection to Source.
And of course - I absolutely adore my sensual expression so much and seek to honor my evolving sexuality and capacity for sensual connection, so you will find plenty of offerings that speak to this beautiful aspect of me as well.
Intrigued? Ready for more? I invite you to read the beautiful fantasy reviews that others have shared about their experiences on my ADORATION page.
And then...
Head on over to my ENCOUNTERS page and see what resonates with you the most.
Namaste to you dear beloved! I do so look forward to connecting with you and supporting you on your journey!
Love and Light ~ Star
What I Bring To The Table
18+ years in sensual arts and erotic services
Master’s degree in Thanatology
Bachelor’s degree in Social Work
with a Minor in Writing
Associate's degree in Gerontology with the following certificates:
End of Life Care certificate
Advanced Behavioral and Cognitive Care Certificate
Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Practitioner training
Reiki Master certification
Crystal healing practitioner
Spiritual/tantric practitioner for 14+ years
Annual pilgrimages to India to support and pursue my spiritual path and awakening
Completed numerous workshops, courses, and classes to support ongoing education and advancement in sexuality, spirituality, end-of-life care, and social services
Studied with Source School of Tantra and International School of Temple Arts