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How to Increase Intimacy and Passion in Your Relationships

Updated: Aug 5

Do you know what is getting in the way of your experiencing the levels of gorgeous passion, desire and sexy intimacy that you truly long for? 🤔

It is so very easy for us to project onto our partners or take our apparent lack of passionate connections extremely personally.

We often feel:

~ If only they were different

~ They must not want to be intimate with me

~ I must not be desirable

~ I must not be attractive

~ There must be something wrong with me

~ They must not like sex

~ If I was with someone else, things would be different

~ Maybe they don't really love me anymore

We think it is the relationship, the dynamics of the union, a lack of desire or libido.

The truth of the matter is that this is all a reflection of our internal experience ~ of the imbalance between our masculine and feminine energies.

As above, so below.

As within, so without.

If we are having intimacy issues with partners, it is a mirror showing us that we have intimacy issues within ourselves. We have not done the work of balancing our masculine and feminine. Our masculine is likely on overdrive and we are not supporting our feminine to feel safe, held, truly nourished and supported. 💥

If your own internal feminine energy does not feel safe ~ i.e. you are not comfortable sharing and experiencing your emotions, you are disconnected from your intuition, you are not fully inhabiting and caring for your body, you live mostly in your head, disconnected from your heart, you are in overactive , over-achieving mode most of the time ~ the feminine in your external experience will reflect this back to you, as she does not feel safe, held, seen by you. 😞

This is the fastest way to shut down intimacy, passion and sensuality.

The feminine has to feel safe to dance, play, emote, connect, get intimate.

Generations of hyper-focus on masculine qualities has shut us all down from our feminine energies and qualities, creating a deep disturbance within ourselves and within our relationships. We need to come back into harmony and better balance. But it has to start within ~ we cannot heal our relationships from the same energy that created the imbalance. We have to do our own inner work first - to acknowledge, address, and start to clear out our resentment, frustration, fear, bitterness, rejection, sorrow, isolation, judgment and blaming ~ of self and others.

I have seen so many of my clients try to approach their relationship issues from this place of anger, frustration, rejection, resentment, blame, and fear ~ without having addressed their own issues first ~ projecting all of the crap onto their partners. And it simply cannot work like this. Healthy communication is very unlikely to occur from this state of being.

We have to take responsibility for our own part first and work to understand how our own energies, unhealthy relationship patterns and behaviors have contributed to the current dynamics.

Once we have done some of our own work at understanding and addressing our heavy emotions and triggers, only then can we enter into healthy communication from more of a heart-based, whole place ~ not from that place of resentment, hurt and rejection.

And this is not about shaming or judging ourselves or the other in any way. We have grown up in some strange systems and taken on some strange, unhealthy beliefs, patterns and behaviors from family, from movies, from previous dysfunctional partnerships. It has simply been the way of our society ~ and now we are ready for a new way. Which means it is time to do the work to disentangle from the old ways of relating ~ to recognize where we are off and steer our ships onto a new course.

And this is necessary work for ALL OF US! Not just those in committed relationships. If you are here on this planet at this current time in history ~ you have inherited and taken on unhealthy patterns of relating. Your inner masculine and feminine energies are almost 100% guaranteed out of balance and your connection to your own inner feminine energies ~ your intuition, your emotions, your creativity, your psychic gifts and abilities, your connection to nature, your ability to listen and hear the powerful wisdom of your body, your ability to heal yourself ~ all probably not very strong.

[If so, yay for you and doing this important and powerful work!!! Let's connect and have crazy, passionate, amazing, fulfilling sexy time together ~ there is absolutely nothing sexier than a man who has done the work to balance and strengthen his inner feminine energies. Seriously NOTHING!!! And, yes, the SEX IS AMAZING!!!!]

I always teach that this work is first and foremost for ourselves ~ coming into balance within ourselves so that we are having a whole, heart-based experience that supports our mental and physical experience. We are body, mind, spirit. Not just mind. Balancing our inner feminine and masculine energies allows us to have the full experience of our human potential. This allows us to come into true love self-love, harmony, and inner fulfillment. We no longer have that deep sense of separation, fragmentation, loneliness, and disconnection. Only after we do this inner work will our outer relationships be a reflection of our inner relationship of the masculine and feminine.

So if you are not currently in relationship, but may be at some point in your life ~ or are looking for that next special someone ~ do your work now, lest you find yourself repeating the same unhealthy patterns you have been rockin' out your whole life. And end up back in the same place ~ disconnected, not being intimate, feeling confused, hurt, rejected and resentful ~ wondering WTF just happened?! How do I find myself here again?!

Does any of this resonate?

Do you recognize there may be an imbalance within yourself?

Do you appreciate why previous attempts to heal relationships may not have worked as well as desired?

Do you get why previous attempts always fell short and left you lacking and longing?

A main goal of our upcoming Tantra & Transformation: A Sacred Masculine Pilgrimage to India November 2024 is to address precisely this! 🎉

💫 Reconnecting to and strengthening your inner feminine.

💫 Recognizing and taking responsibility for your part of unhealthy relationship dynamics

💫 Coming into greater harmony, union and balance within ~ so that you can start to experience this greater harmony and union without.

💫 Opening into ways that you can start to experience that passionate, sensual, sexy, deeply intimate connection you truly long for and know you are capable of.

Intrigued? Ready to dive in? ⚡

This is going to be a pivotal experience in your life and potentially the most epic transformation you have ever experienced. I absolutely guarantee it!

Check out the link below for all the details and gorgeous itinerary of this life-changing pilgrimage ~ a journey back to your heart and to the true power of the Sacred Masculine! ❣️

Let's make magic together! Let's start rockin' out a new way to do relationship ~ first and foremost with ourselves ~ and then watch it manifest in our outer world. ☯️

This is powerful work! Are you ready? 🔥

You truly would not be here reading this if you weren't ready for this level of transformation. Something drew you here. Trust that. That is trusting the feminine aspect of yourself and allowing your heart to lead. Moving down out of the mind that needs to find the logic in everything, that doesn't trust the power of magic, that wants to have it all figured out and needs it to all make sense.

Passion, longing, connection, creativity, love.

They don't make sense ~ and shouldn't! So if you want more of them ~ let go of that need to have it all figured out. Allow a new way. Trust in new beginnings. Trust in not knowing. Trust in what is calling you forward.

That is the true spiritual journey ~ moving from the head to the heart. That is the journey that we are called to in this time.

Excited to hear from you! And couldn't be more excited to be in India with you exploring sensuality, passion, Sacred Sexuality ritual, spirituality, connection ~ and eating unbelievably amazing food!!! OMG! You are going to love this...

Xo ~ Star 💋💋💋

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